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Sexual harassment is a real and prevalent issue in the UK advertising industry, and it’s timeTo put an end to it.

Developed on behalf of timeTo; an industry task force set up to report on and combat sexual harassment, we challenge the industry to ask at what point ‘banter’ crosses into sexual harassment: ‘Where do you draw the line?’

Following a successful launch, we delivered further bursts of the campaign ahead of the industry’s Cannes Lions festival and for the Christmas party season where alcohol and celebrations can be catalysts for inappropriate behaviour.

Most recently, timeTo research showed that that half (49%) of all people in advertising think sexual harassment will be more of an issue now that people are returning to offices, and sadly, many are facing the slow and phased return to office life with dread. So we developed activity to raise awareness of this shocking level of fear and urge business leaders to sign up for vital training.

To support the Christmas party film, we mailed mistletoe to 250 UK advertising industry CEOs, challenging them to consider what constitutes appropriate behaviour in the workplace.

Downloadable posters were also created, to be put up in bathrooms over the Christmas period.